Cardboard Cycad

Zamia furfuracea

Contributors 2

Cierra Deskins

Summary 3

Zamia furfuracea is a cycad native to southeastern Veracruz state in eastern Mexico. Although not a palm tree (Arecaceae), its growth habit is superficially similar to a palm; therefore it is commonly known as cardboard palm or cardboard cycad. Other names include cardboard plant, cardboard sago, Jamaican sago, and Mexican cycad (from Mexican Spanish Cícada Mexicana). The plant's binomial name comes from the Latin zamia, for "pine nut", and furfuracea, meaning "mealy" or "scurfy".

Interesting Fact 2

Cycads are pollinated by beetles, they produce a smell to attract beetles which is carried by wind to ensure the attraction of beetles to the plant for pollination.

Cycad Facts [Internet]. SoftSchools. [cited 21 July 2019]. Available from:

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) cierradeskins, todos os direitos reservados
  2. (c) cierradeskins, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)
  3. (c) Wikipedia, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA),

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