Elkhorn fern

Platycerium bifurcatum

Summary 3

Platycerium bifurcatum, the elkhorn fern or staghorn fern, is a species of fern native to Java, New Guinea and southeastern Australia, in New South Wales, Queensland and on Lord Howe Island. It is a bracket epiphyte occurring in and near rainforests. Growing to 90 cm (35 in) tall by 80 cm (31 in) broad, it has heart-shaped sterile fronds 12–45 cm (5–18 in) long, and arching grey-green fertile fronds which are forked and strap-shaped, and grow up to 90 cm (35 in) long.

Contributor 4

Cierra Deskins

Interesting Fact 4

Although they grow on plants, Elkhorn Ferns are not parasitic, they receive their nutrients from the air and rain. They contain two different types of fronds to do this, the round frond covers the roots and the foliar fronds capture fallen debris and rain water to be absorbed for nutrients.

Nair S. [Internet]. 2017. Really Interesting Information About the Staghorn Fern. Gardenerdy; [cited 21 July 2019]. Available from: https://gardenerdy.com/staghorn-fern

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) tyler_hoar, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-ND), uploaded by tyler_hoar
  2. (c) cierradeskins, todos os direitos reservados
  3. Adaptado por cierradeskins de uma obra de (c) Wikipedia, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Platycerium_bifurcatum
  4. (c) cierradeskins, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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