showy milkweed

Asclepias speciosa

Collection Season 3

Summary 4

Showy milkweed is a native herbaceous perennial which produces stems that grow to 1 ½ to 5 feet tall in summer. Stems and foliage exude milky latex sap when cut. Flowers are in loose clusters at the stems are rose-purple.

Uses 3

Showy milkweed is an important species for butterflies, bees, and insects. It is the only larval host for monarch butterflies. Showy milkweed’s tough, extensive root system, drought tolerance and minimal nutrient requirements make it a good species for stabilizing and restoring degraded or disturbed sites. Its toxic alkaloids make it unpalatable for animals.

Seed Collection adn Processing 3

Thick seeds pods 3 to 5 inches long split down one side in fall to release reddish-brown, flat seeds. Each seed has a tuft of white, silky hairs that allows them to be dispersed by wind.

Probable Locations 3

The Annex has a large population of showy milkweed

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) C Welch, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY), uploaded by C Welch
  2. (c) skramer16, todos os direitos reservados
  3. (c) skramer16, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)
  4. Adaptado por skramer16 de uma obra de (c) Wikipedia, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA),

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