mint-leaf bergamot

Monarda fistulosa menthifolia

Collection Season 2

Summary 2

Mintleaf bergamot is usually 30 to 80 cm tall with a simple stem that is less often branched, pubescent with short downward curled (rarely spreading) hairs. Leaves are ovate-lanceolate to ovate, firm, pale green, 30 to 90 mm long, 10 to 38 mm wide, subsessile to short petioled, with short appressed canescent hairs. Flower is usually lavender to rose colored.

Uses 2

Bee’s, butterflies and hummingbirds use the nectar of bergamot

Seed Collection and Processing 2

When the seeds are ripe, cut off the seed heads and spread them over a clean, dry surface indoors to air-dry for several days. Then place some of the seed heads in a paper bag and shake. Many of the seeds will fall into the bag. Repeat the process with the remaining heads. Next run the seeds and associated chaff through a sieve. Store the seeds in a dry sealed and labeled container or ziploc bag with wet sand or peat moss in the refrigerator that is kept under 40 degrees F for three months.

Probable Locations 2

Mintleaf bergamot is common in meadows and along roadsides in moist places.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Joshua Smith, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Joshua Smith
  2. (c) skramer16, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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