Creeping snowberry (Gaultheria hispidula)

Gaultheria hispidula

Description 2

Flower: White bell shaped, 4 petals
Leaves: evergreen, oval-round shape, ¼-1/3 inch long and 1/8-¼ inch wide, barely pointed tip, widely spaced bristly hairs along edges
Fruit/Seed: white berry, ¼ inch diameter, scattered brown hairs on surface
Height: 8-18 inch creeper
Flowering: May - June
Habitat: sphagnum covered rocks and hummocks in cedar/spruce swamps and bogs

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Superior National Forest, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY),
  2. (c) Minnesota Scientific and Natural Areas, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

Mais informações

BioDiversity4All Mapa

Color of flowers White
Color of berries Red