Hooded ladies' tresses (Spiranthes romanzoffiana)

Spiranthes romanzoffiana

Description 2

Flower: White elongated cluster
Leaves: long and slender, up to up to 9 inches long, 1/3 inch wide, becoming smaller towards top of stem, uppermost bract-like
Height: 5-18 inches
Flowering: July - August
Habitat: meadows, fens, coniferous swamps

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Dan and Raymond, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA), http://www.flickr.com/photos/11158528@N08/1056412012
  2. (c) Minnesota Scientific and Natural Areas, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

Mais informações

BioDiversity4All Mapa

Color of flowers White