crested fern (Dryopteris cristata)

Dryopteris cristata

Description 2

Fiddleheads: emerge in spring, light green, covered in papery tan scales
Fronds: 10 to 28 inches long, 2 to 5 inches wide, narrowly lance-like to oblong in outline, tapering at tip, once-compound, leaflets with 6+ pairs of lobes with bristly tipped teeth, lower leaflets triangular in outline and about twice as long as wide
Spores: group of spores (sori) on underside of fertile leaves, yellowish, turning dark brown at maturity, sori circular and found halfway between mid-vein and leaflet edge, translucent tissue (indusium) partly covers spores and is attached on inner curve
Fruiting season: Late spring - summer
Height: 10-28 inches
Habitat: swamps, marshes, moist to wet woods

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Natural England, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-ND),
  2. (c) Minnesota Scientific and Natural Areas, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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