Edible Frog

Pelophylax esculentus

Identifiaction 2

Pelophylax esculentus is characteristicaly vague, as it's a hybrid between the ridibundus and lessonae. P. esculentus is somewhere in between in all traits. It has more or less clear belly, but has dark legs. It's vocal resonators have vaguely green colour. P. esculentus can be safely discerned by the bulb on its hind legs where the bulb looks halfway between it's parental species. There can be a stripe on its back as in P. ridibundus, but can also be missing.

Ecology and behaviour 2

The Pelophylax genera is characteristically waterbound. It tolerates even the presence of fish unlike virtually any other our amphibian species. So it can be found in larger water bodies. Practically everywhere, but the bodies have to be deep enough to give them the overwintering option as these frogs overwinter on the bottom of their respective pools.

Identifikace (CZ) 2

Skokan zelený je nejhůře určitelný, protože si půjčuje vlastnosti obou svých rodičovských druhů. Nemá úplně krémové břicho, ale často má tmavé nohy. Na zadních nohách má patní hrbol, který není ani zploštělý, ale ani zcela kulatý a rezonátory jsou tmavší než ty skokanů krátkonohých, ale zároveň světlejší než ty skokanů skřehotavých. Tento druh je zkrátka těžko poznatelný i pro odborníka a dva experti si často v určování protiřečí. Nedoporučuji tedy pokoušet se určovat bez praxe.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Luciano 95, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY), https://www.flickr.com/photos/giuss95/13240623874/
  2. (c) Martin Vohralík, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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