Pool Frog

Pelophylax lessonae

Identification 2

The back stripe is less visible in this species, but exceptions occur. The belly and legs are white ocasionally with spots . This still makes the species hard to discern from the P. ridibundus esculentus though. The small bud on its hind legs is a somewhat good indicator as this species' bulb is fully formed and totally round. The vocal resonators can be described as clear or light-blue coloured.

Sound/Zvuk 2


Ecology & Behaviour 2

The Pelophylax genera is characteristically waterbound. It tolerates even the presence of fish unlike virtually any other our amphibian species. So it can be found in larger water bodies. Practically everywhere, but the bodies have to be deep enough to give them the overwintering option as these frogs overwinter on the bottom of their respective pools.

Identifikace (CZ) 2

Skokan krátkonohý má na zadní končetině kulatý patní hrbol, který je zároveň nejspolehlivějším znakem. Zároveň lze srovnat ostatní znaky. Břišní strana těla a zadních lohou jsou obvykle bílé, bez skvrn a vokální rezonátory jsou čiré nebo světle modré barvy.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Serge M. Appolonov, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), enviado por Serge M. Appolonov
  2. (c) Martin Vohralík, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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