European Fire-Bellied Toad

Bombina bombina

Identification 3

Belly has spots that don't intrude to the legs and vice versa.

Sound/Zvuk 3

Ecology & Behaviour 3

I call them little pigs. This is because usally I find them in muddy clouded shallow pudles. The frog thrives in lowlands. Specifiaclly in flooded recuringly places, marshes and permanently wet soil. When threatened ,these animals display something called bombina-reflex where they show the red/yellow spots on their legs by bending backwards, thua exposing them to potential preadtors.

Identifikace (CZ) 3

Kuňky se dají rozlišit podle zvuku (kdy obecná dělá pouze takové "U") nebo podle břišní strany těla. Kdy kuňka obecná má skvrny na břiše a nohou, které se vzájemně nespojují zatímco kuňka žlutobřichá má skvrny jednolité přes břicho i nohy.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Tom Kirschey, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), enviado por Tom Kirschey
  2. (c) Jakob Fahr, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), enviado por Jakob Fahr
  3. (c) Martin Vohralík, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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