Agile Frog

Rana dalmatina

Identification 2

All rana frogs are difficult to discern among each other species and you need some practice and experience to be sure to identify them properly as increment deifferences in coloration and bulbs on hind legs make all the difference. That would require you to catch them and examine them up close, which is ilegal in czech republic. Thus I discourage from identifying adult frogs.

Rather their egg clutches are far easier to discern as they can be seen floating, attached to a piece of debris or some vegetation in quite a deep water.

Sound 2

Ecology & Behaviour 2

In spring the Rana dalmatina comes out from hiding in woodlands and permanently wet places to lay it's eggs into water bodies with sufficient depth and prefferably without the presence of fish. After laying eggs adults retreat back to their hiding places. It's rare to find them in day as they are active in the night or in the evening.

Identifikace 2

Zatímco zástupci rodu Rana jsou poměrně těžko rozpoznatení bez kontroly patních výběžků a tedy jejich slovení. Snůšky tohoto druhu jsou natolik jednotného charakteru, že i nezkušený pozorovatel nemá problém je správně určit. Jedná se o na vodě plovoucí "koláče vajíček", které jsou připevněné ke stéblu trávy nebo nějaké jiné překážky obvykle vyčuhující nad hladinu (například potopené dřevo). Snůšky kladou pouze do stojatých vod.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) mgreilhuber, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), enviado por mgreilhuber
  2. (c) Martin Vohralík, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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