Common Slider

Trachemys scripta

Identification 2

The colour of the shell, neck and feet is a dead giveaway in determining this species from the common European Turtle. The yellow stripes on neck and legs run from front to back. Plastron (lower part of the shell) Is mostly yellow, parts joining the carapace (upper part of the shell) do also display yellow colour. The carapace is yellow only in part but is unevenly round in comparison th the other present turtle species and the edge of the carapace points upwards. Nose is more sharp then in the other species.

Ecology & Behaivour 2

This invasive species mainly resides in small ponds, old pools and other still waterbodies. They usually can be spoted when basking or breathing above water. In winter the turtle spends the season first near the surface, when temperature plumets bellow zero they often move on the bottom of the pond. Sliders are sit-and-wait predators, meaning they ususally sit motionless and hunt prey by ambushing it. The turtle however can eat amphibian and fish clutches also.

Identifikace (CZ) 2

Zbarvení na krku, hlavě, nohou a spodní straně krunýře nabývá podoby žlutých pruhů. U nás se jedná o invazní druh, který se vyskytuje i v severních částech republiky.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Linda De Volder, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-ND),
  2. (c) Martin Vohralík, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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