Carpathian Newt

Lissotriton montandoni

Identification 3

Best descriptors when considering the group of "small" newts of the genus Lissotriton is the colouring of belly and sides, where Lissotriton montandoni has clean monochromal colouring of the belly with possible lateral black spots the throat matches colour of the belly. The sides are often brightly coloured in comparisson to our other Lissotriton species.

Ecology & Behaviour 3

Given this animal is only in few corners of our country, my personal experience is practically absent. It relies on shallow pools of water. Newts are good bioindicator species and tend to not inhabit water together with fish. Rather they use pools of still water to breed in the springor early summer. Newts are semiauqatic so they use the ponds as a breeding site and hunting grounds. But climb out in autumn and overwinter under dead leaves or in the ground.

Identifikace (CZ) 3

Pokud jde o skupinu malých čolků (g. Lissotriton) nejlepším poznávacím znamením je zbarvení břicha a stran těla. Kdy čolek karpatský má jednobarevné břicho, vzácně s malými skvrnami po stranách. Obvykle je také jasně zbarvený na stranách těla v porovnání s ostatními našimi druhy.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Bogdan, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), enviado por Bogdan
  2. (c) Conrad Altmann, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY), enviado por Conrad Altmann
  3. (c) Martin Vohralík, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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