Woolly Oak Gall

Callirhytis lanata

Note 2

Aside from the fact that C lanata is almost always on the lower side of a leaf while C furva is apparently always on the upper side, the two can be distinguished by the stiffer, sparser, more darkly red/brown hairs of C furva, which often appear in messy clumps of more than 4 globs. C lanata is whiter and fluffier and tends to be in clumps of 1-3 strongly overlapping globs.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. Sem direitos reservados, uploaded by Yann Kemper
  2. (c) Adam Kranz, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

Mais informações

BioDiversity4All Mapa

Quercus coccinea, falcata, ilicifolia, marilandica, rubra, texana, velutina
Host leaf lobes pointed
Cells cluster
Shape globular
Color brown, white, yellow
Texture woolly
Phenology August, July, November, October, September
Plant part leaf midrib, leaf veins, lower leaf