Indian Cobra

Naja naja

Description 2


  • Highly Venomous Elapid
  • Also called : Spectacled Cobra
  • Part of Big 4 : High frequency of snakebites due to presence near human habitations.
  • Neurotoxic Venom : Paralyzes muscles leading to respiratory and cardiac failure.


  • Distinctive Spectacled Pattern on Hood that is raised when threatened.
  • Elliptical head, smooth and shiny scales with dorsal color varying with geographical region.
  • South Indian Variety : Yellowish brown dorsal with prominent hood pattern. Some show slight banding on posterior body.
  • North Indian Variety : Much darker brown while some Northwestern individuals are black. Hood pattern might be absent.
  • Wide black band under hood along with mottling on ventrals is a common feature.
  • Slightly heavy-bodied while also slender. Grow upto 3-5 feet on average.


  • Common throughout India except high altitudes and deserts.
  • Usually found in forests, agricultural lands and near human habitations due to abundance of rats.
  • Prefer close proximity to water and deep hiding places like Mammal burrows, Termite mounds, Tree Hollows and Rock Piles .


  • Preys on small mammals like rats, frogs, toads, eggs and sometimes birds .
  • Primarily terrestrial but climb and swim well in search of prey.
  • Most active during hours of daylight and darkness (crepuscular). Seen during day too.
  • Extremely alert and tend to shy away from human confrontation.
  • When threatened, they display hood and hiss loudly. Stay very focused on one threat.
  • Often give mock bites in an attempt to warn and not use venom.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Vinay Gogula, todos os direitos reservados, uploaded by Vinay Gogula
  2. (c) Vinay Gogula, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

Mais informações

BioDiversity4All Mapa

Found Common
Toxicity Venomous