Common Cat Snake

Boiga trigonata

Description 2


  • Mildly Venomous
  • Other names : Indian Gamma Snake.
  • Rear-fanged like all Cat snakes and venom isn't medically significant.


  • Very thin, small snakes but long with respect to it's thickness and has smooth scales but not glossy.
  • Dorsal is greyish-brown with lighter zig-zag patterns over the body. Belly is whitish with tiny spots.
  • Head is triangular with a distinct Y-pattern on top. Have large golden eyes with vertical pupils.
  • Often confused with the Saw-scaled Viper, but can be distinguished by Y-pattern on head & body proportions.
  • Grow to 2 feet on average.


  • Distributed widely throughout the Indian Subcontinent.
  • Inhabit dense forests, open forests, rocky hills & scrub jungles too.
  • Hide in tree holes, crevices, dense vegetation at low to moderate height.


  • Mainly feed on geckos but also small birds and frogs.
  • Nocturnal & Arboreal snakes, spend daytime in cooler, shady places.
  • Very slow-moving snakes and usually wont try to escape.
  • Non-offensive and calm, if provoked, they coil up and rear back. Sometimes jerk tail as warning.
  • Hesitant to bite, may give a few mock bites springing towards target. Also reported to play dead.

Other Cat Snakes 2

About 15 species of Boiga found in India, most are found in the Himalayas & NE India. 8 are found in peninsular India, 4 are mentioned below.

  • Forsten's Cat Snake (Boiga forsteni) : Found in most forests in India, but uncommon. Much larger and exhibit wide range of colors. Usually has patternless head and lighter crossbars across.
  • Yellow-green Cat Snake (Boiga flaviviridis) : Found in Eastern Ghats & parts of dry peninsular India. Species found in 2013, earlier mistaken to be variant of Beddome's Cat Snake.
  • Travancore Cat Snake (Boiga dightoni) : Endemic to southern Western Ghats and very rare. Reddish-brown body with salmon-red blotches.
  • Indian Egg-Eater (Boiga westermanni) : Found in dry scrubs of Central-Northern India. Specialized Egg eater. Reddish head with black blotches & yellow line along back. Refined to belong to monotypic genus Elachistodon.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Vinay Gogula, todos os direitos reservados, uploaded by Vinay Gogula
  2. (c) Vinay Gogula, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

Mais informações

BioDiversity4All Mapa

Found Common
Toxicity Mildly-Venomous