Streaked Kukri Snake

Oligodon taeniolatus

Description 2


  • Non Venomous
  • Other names : Russell's Kukri, Variegated Kukri
  • Has specialized curved teeth shaped like Kukri Knives to slit open eggs.


  • Small snakes with smooth, glossy scales colored reddish-brown on dorsal and belly is white.
  • Exhibits multiple patterns from series of long streaks from neck to tail & sometimes bands too.
  • Small eyes with round pupils, arrow pattern on head & thick dark collar behind neck.


  • Found throughout peninsular India & most parts of North India too.
  • Hide in rock piles, crevices, under wooden logs & loose roots near dense vegetation & rocks.


  • Mainly eat small lizards, insects & particularly fond of reptile eggs.
  • Nocturnal & semi-fossorial species, forage at night, sometimes even day terrestrially.
  • When provoked, form loose coils with body & lift forebody off ground. Bites can tear skin due to curved teeth.

Other Kukri Snakes 2

While upto 20 species of Oligodon are found in India. Only 7 are found in the peninsula. Apart from the Banded Kukri & Streaked Kukri, the other 5 are mentioned below. All are rare species endemic to the Western Ghats

  • Travancore Kukri (Oligodon travancoricus)
  • Striped Kukri (Oligodon brevicauda)
  • Western Kukri (Oligodon affinis)
  • Black spotted Kukri (Oligodon venustus)
  • Palani Hills Kukri (Oligodon nikhili)

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Vinay Gogula, todos os direitos reservados, uploaded by Vinay Gogula
  2. (c) Vinay Gogula, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

Mais informações

BioDiversity4All Mapa

Found Common
Toxicity Non-Venomous