Oriental Rat Snake

Ptyas mucosa

Description 2


  • Non Venomous
  • Other names : Indian Rat Snake
  • One of the most commonly seen snakes in India.
  • Very fast moving and slender snakes.
  • Aggressively hunted for skin and meat in some places.


  • Slender body usually yellowish-brown, sometimes green or black too.
  • Lower lips have black bands distinctive of rat snakes.
  • Head with smooth scales, large round pupils and a fairly pointed snout.
  • Posterior of body is usually has a black net-like pattern or crossbands too.
  • Often confused with a cobra, but rat snakes grow much longer and have thinner necks.
  • Grow to 6-8 feet on average, the largest colubrids found in India.


  • Extremely common throughout India.
  • Inhabit a wide variety of habitats like forests, grasslands and human habitations.
  • Hide in dark places like rat holes, termite mounds and under rocky caves.
  • Prefers wet surroundings during summer and drier areas in monsoon.


  • Mainly eat rodents and sometimes frogs, lizards, birds, fish and even small snakes.
  • Prey killed by using weight of body and sometimes swallowed alive.
  • Diurnalsnakes that are terrestrial, semi-arboreal and even semi-aquatic.
  • Males known to be territorial and establish boundaries through fights often misread as mating dances.
  • Extremely fast movers and tries to escape if threatened. Adults have no natural predators in most places.
  • If harassed, puffs throat, emits a deep growly hiss and strikes repeatedly.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Vinay Gogula, todos os direitos reservados, uploaded by Vinay Gogula
  2. (c) Vinay Gogula, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

Mais informações

BioDiversity4All Mapa

Found Common
Toxicity Non-Venomous