Shield-tailed Snakes


Description 2


  • Non Venomous
  • Uropeltidae are family of primitive snakes endemic to peninsular India & Sri Lanka.
  • Have a large keratinous shield at the tip of the tail and hence called shield tailed snakes.
  • Usually have iridescent scales which is a product of specialized scales to keep dirt off.
  • 8 different genera of this family are recognized, comprising over 50 species.


  • Small snakes with smooth, glossy scales.
  • Colors & patterns vary with species. Often show bright iridescence under light.
  • The belly of the snakes of usually brightly colored and have unique patterns based on species.
  • Have powerful, pointed heads with tiny eyes, extended rostral scale & distinctive tails with shields.


  • Found in the Western Ghats and some parts of Peninsular India.
  • Inhabit hilly forests & occupy tunnels in the leaves, humus, rocks & logs.
  • Burrowing species found upto 1 feet below the soil. Dig deeper in drier conditions.


  • Feed on Earthworms, insect larvae and caecilians.
  • Spend most life underground. Come to the surface at night & active during rains.
  • Non-offensive & don't bite. Try to burrow in loose soil with strong snouts.

Upto 39 species of this family from 8 genera are found in India. All of them endemic to the Western Ghats.
The most common & well known species are mentioned below.

  • Nilgiri Uropeltis (Uropeltis ocellata)
  • Bombay Earth Snake (Uropeltis macrolepsis)
  • Elliot's Earth Snake (Uropeltis ellioti)
  • Indian Black Earth Snake (Melanophidium wynaudense)

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Vinay Gogula, todos os direitos reservados, uploaded by Vinay Gogula
  2. (c) Vinay Gogula, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

Mais informações

BioDiversity4All Mapa

Toxicity Non-Venomous