Hump-nosed Viper

Hypnale hypnale

Description 3


  • Highly Venomous Pit Viper
  • Endemic species to Western Ghats and Sri Lanka.
  • Causes highest number of bites in Sri Lanka.
  • Medically significant venom.


  • Triangular head much broader than neck, heat sensing pits between eyes and nostrils
  • Snout is pointed and turned upwards ending in a hump.
  • The lower lip is usually much darker than the rest of the head.
  • Stout body, reddish grey dorsal with brown mottling and row of dark spots.
  • Yellowish body with dark mottling, usually grow to 1-2 feet.


  • Found in the Western Ghats in India
  • Prefer dense jungles and coffee plantations
  • Hide in plain sight in leaf litter, thick bushes and on the ground.


  • Primarily feed on Frogs, Lizards and Rodents.
  • Nocturnal and Terrestrial snakes active during early morning and night.
  • Found to Bask near streams during sunrise.
  • Slow mover but capable of fast strikes.
  • Will vibrate it's tail when threatened and quick to bite.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Yuwaraj Gurjar, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Yuwaraj Gurjar
  2. (c) Vinay Gogula, todos os direitos reservados, uploaded by Vinay Gogula
  3. (c) Vinay Gogula, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

Mais informações

BioDiversity4All Mapa

Toxicity Venomous