Ardea herodias

Great blue heron


Nom français: Grand Héron

Random facts 2

  • Main habitats are marshes, swamps, shores and tideflats. Very adaptable. Forages in any kind of calm fresh waters or slow-moving rivers, also in shallow coastal bays. Nests in trees or shrubs near water, sometimes on ground in areas free of predators.
  • Forages mostly by standing still or walking very slowly in shallow water, waiting for fish to swim near, then striking with rapid thrust of bill. Eats mostly fish, but also frogs, salamanders, turtles, snakes, insects, rodents, birds.
  • Beats slowly its wing when flying, giving the impression he's on slow motion. Very gracious.
  • Generally breeds in colonies. Male chooses nest site and displays there to attract mate. Displays include stretching neck up with bill pointing skyward, flying in circles above colony with neck extended, stretching neck forward with head and neck feathers erected and then snapping bill shut.
  • Its nest is usually in trees 20-60' above ground or water; sometimes in low shrubs, sometimes on ground (on predator-free islands), sometimes well above 100' in tree. Nest (built mostly by female, with material gathered mostly by male) is a platform of sticks, sometimes quite large.
  • Puts its beak under its wing when sleeping standing.
  • Its call is a weird harsh squawk, kind of like a door squeaking loudly. It contrasts with the elegance of its appearance.
  • Northern populations east of Rockies are migratory, some going to Caribbean, Central America, or northern South America. Migrates by day or night, alone or in flocks.


Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Dan Roach, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Dan Roach
  2. (c) Alice Roy-Bolduc, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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