Archilochus colubris

Ruby-throated hummingbird


Nom français: Colibri à gorge rubis

Random facts 2

-The only hummingbird common in North-Eastern America.
-Its wings beat more than 50 times per second.
-Its heart beats 1200 times per minute.
-Impressive migrants despite their small size, some Ruby-throats may travel from Canada to Costa Rica. In spring, males move north earlier than females.
-Feeds mostly nectar and insects. At flowers, usually feeds while hovering, extending its bill and long tongue deep into the center of the flower. To catch small insects, may fly out and take them in midair, or hover to pluck them from foliage. Sometimes takes spiders (or trapped insects) from spider webs.
-In courtship display, male flies back and forth in front of female in wide U-shaped "pendulum" arc, making a whirring sound on each dive.
-Hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backward.
-Female does not have a red throat,
-Main habitats are gardens and wood edges. Summers in a variety of semi-open habitats, including open woods, clearings and edges in forest, gardens, city parks. Winters mostly in rather open or dry tropical scrub.
-Nest site is in a tree or large shrub, 5-50 feet above the ground, usually 10-20 feet. Nest (built by female) is a compact cup of grasses, plant fibers, spider webs, lined with plant down. The outside is camouflaged with lichens and dead leaves.


Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) fiddleman, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), uploaded by fiddleman
  2. (c) Alice Roy-Bolduc, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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