Darcy's Sage

Salvia darcyi

Summary 2

Salvia darcyi is a herbaceous perennial shrub native to a very small area at 9000 ft elevation in the eastern range of the Mexican Sierra Madre Orientale. Discovered in the wild in 1991, it has since been sold in horticulture under several names. Botanist Dr James Compton named the plant after fellow British botanist John d'Arcy after a trip they made to the region in 1991.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Ron Chang (curated by Cat Chang), alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Ron Chang (curated by Cat Chang)
  2. (c) Wikipedia, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvia_darcyi

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