Coral-winged Grasshopper

Pardalophora apiculata

Identification 6

This species overwinters as nymphs so adults are only seen in the spring. Most commonly reported in iNaturalist from Apr-Jun. Wings are pink or coral in flight. It is usually brownish, but can be greener like the iNaturalist default photo. Wings spots usually large/fused at the base of wings. Pronotum usually cut by 1 sulcus. The posterior angle of the pronotum is < 90 degrees. Hind tibiae orange to pale brown. Inner hind femur is yellow to orange with 2-3 black bands.

The Orange-winged Grasshopper (Pardalophora phoenicoptera) tends to have smaller spots on the wings and usually orange wings.

Haldeman's Grasshopper (Pardalophora haldemanii) is a related species that could potentially be confused with P. apiculata. P. haldemanii is not commonly reported in iNaturalist but was reported in Knutson and Jaque (1935) as occurring in Iowa. P. haldemanii will usually have more distinct spots, without the fused spots at the base of the wings seen in P. apiculata. Other characters to look for include the color of the inner face of the femora and the angle of the rear pointed end of the pronotum.

Resources 6

Grasshoppers of the Western U.S.:

Otte, D., 1984. The North American Grasshoppers, Vol. II. Acrididae. Oedipodinae. Harvard University Press.

Occurrence 6

Statewide. Knutson (1937) reported it from 14 counties. Froeschner (1954) reported it from 22 counties.

Habitat 6

Grassy areas on dry sandy soil, sometimes in upland areas. Habitat is patchy in Iowa, so often found in small colonies. Often found with Arphia sulphurea.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Doug Macaulay, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY), uploaded by Doug Macaulay
  2. (c) Steven Mlodinow, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Steven Mlodinow
  3. Sem direitos reservados, uploaded by Allan Harris
  4. (c) Carita Bergman, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-ND), uploaded by Carita Bergman
  5. (c) Emily Hjalmarson, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Emily Hjalmarson
  6. (c) Tyler Grant, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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