Short-winged Boopie

Boopedon auriventris

Identification 4

The V-shaped cream stripes on the sides of the pronotum make this species difficult to confuse with any other species in Iowa. The wings are short. Bands on the legs may be faint to absent on the outer femur.

Resources 4

Capinera, J.L., R.D. Scott, and T.J. Walker. 2004. Field Guide to Grasshoppers, Katydids, and Crickets of the United States. Cornell University Press.

Occurrence 4

Knutson and Jacques (1935) did not list this species, but Knutson (1937) reported it from Fremont County. SCAN shows a record from 1924 from Jefferson County. Knutson and Jaques (1935) were apparently unaware of this record. BugGuide has records from 2008 and 2014 in Fremont and Monona counties. It has not been reported in iNaturalist yet. This species appears to constrained primarily to western counties, but the Jefferson County record, if accurate, indicates it could have ranged more widely in Iowa. Perhaps there are unknown populations in southern Iowa.

Rangewide, this species has a relatively small range, extending from Iowa to central Texas, with the bulk of its range in Oklahoma, Kansas, and Texas.

Habitat 4

Savannas, according to BugGuide.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Angela Laws, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Angela Laws
  2. (c) Alex Harman, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Alex Harman
  3. Sem direitos reservados, uploaded by calinsdad
  4. (c) Tyler Grant, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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