Tricolored Heron (Aigrette tricolore)

Egretta tricolor

Summary 6

The Tricolored Heron (Egretta tricolor) formerly known in North America as the Louisiana Heron, is a small heron. It is a resident breeder from the Gulf states of the USA and northern Mexico south through Central America and the Caribbean to central Brazil and Peru. There is some post-breeding dispersal to well north of the nesting range.

Egretta tricolor 7

A medium-sized (26 inches) wader, the Tricolored Heron is most easily identified by its contrasting white belly and slate-gray body. Other field marks include a rusty-brown neck, white rump, and long dark bill. Male and female Tricolored Herons are similar to one another in all seasons. The Tricolored Heron breeds along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts of the United States from Texas to southern Maine, and breeds further inland in Florida. In winter, this species withdraws from the northern part of its range, and may be found in the southern part of its east coast range, along the coast of Southern California, and inland in Mexico and Central America. Non-migratory populations also exist along the coast of Central and South America. Tricolored Herons breed in a number of wetland habitat types, including freshwater and saltwater marshes, coastal lagoons, and estuaries. This species may also be found in Mangrove wetlands in parts of its range where this habitat occurs, particularly in winter. Tricolored Herons mainly eat fish, but may also take crustaceans and small vertebrates (such as frogs, lizards, and mice) when the opportunity arises. Tricolored Herons may be best observed wading in shallow water, where they may be seen plunging their bills into the water to catch fish. It is also possible to see Tricolored Herons returning to trees to roost at sunset, or while flying with their feet extended and their necks pulled in. Tricolored Herons are primarily active during the day.

Threat Status: Least concern

Statut 8

Status : Ve

Date d'arrivée record: 21/04/1996 (Plaisance ) QO 8(2):27
Date de départ record: 12/09/1983 (Rimouski)

Il est à noter que la liste des mentions ci-dessous peut inclure certaines mentions non-confirmées ou considérées comme invalides après leur publication. Cette liste est fournie à titre d'information uniquement, et elle est principalement mise à jour grâce aux mentions publiées dans la chronique saisonnière de la revue QuébecOiseaux. Certaines mentions récentes, identifiées avec la référence "web", réfèrent souvent à des mentions publiées sur la page des oiseaux rares du Québec.

Cherchez les mentions d'Aigrette tricolore sur la page des oiseaux rares du Québec.

No Localité Dates Référence

  1. L'Épiphanie 23/05/1966 BO 11(2):2
  2. Rimouski 18-24/07/1971 BO 16:51, Tchebec 1971(4):101
  3. île du Moine 16/06/1974 Tchebec 1974-75:17
  4. Bécancour 12/05/1976 BO 12:31, AB 30:815
  5. Paspébiac 18/05/1976 BO 12:31, AB 30:815
  6. Île des Barques 05/06/1976 Tchebec 1976:6, AB 30:931
  7. Île du Moine 21/08/1976 Tchebec 1976:6
  8. Cap Saint-Ignace 09/05/1980 BO 25(2):53, AB 34:757
  9. Hudson 25/04-1/05/1981 Tchebec 1981:9
  10. Pointe-au-Père 23/06/1981 Kakawi 3(2):7
  11. Gaspé 30/04/1983 AB 37:849
  12. Grosse Île 8-10/06/1983 AB 37:970
  13. Rimouski 3/07-12/09/1983 Kakawi 5(2):25, 5(3):15
  14. Cap-Tourmente 13/05/1984 BO 29:129
  15. Paspébiac 28/06/1987 AB 42:45
  16. Cacouna 23-28/05/1988 AB 42:411
  17. Bernières 22/05/1989 AB 43:452
  18. Métabetchouan 1-9/05/1991 QO 3(2):24; Savard et Cormier 1995
  19. Havre-aux-Basques 9-17/06/1991 QO 3(3):23
  20. Saraguay 10/05/1993 QO 5(2):23
  21. Saint-Fulgence 1-8/06/1993 QO 5(3):23
  22. Barachois, Chandler 29/05-4/06/1995 QO 7(3):26
  23. Saint-Godefroi 06/06/1995 Guillemot 14(2):37
  24. Cooper Marsh 11/05/1996
  25. Plaisance 21/04/1996 QO 8(2):27
  26. Rivière-du-Loup 15/07/1997 QO 9(3):27
  27. lac Boivin 10/09/2000 Ornitho-Qc
    mention non-confirmée

  28. Neuville 6-17/05/2000 QO 12(2):36
  29. Cacouna 22/5-28/06/2000 QO 12(2):36 (photo), QO 12(3):43
    photo publiée

  30. Baie Lavallière 06/05/2001 QO 13(2):44
  31. Montmagny 13/05/2001 QO 13(2):44
    mention non-confirmée

  32. Baie-du-Fèbvre 19/05/2002 QO 14(2):43
  33. Grosse-Île 24/06/2005 ornitho-qc
  34. Percé 20/07/2002 QO 14(3):44
  35. Forillon (Penouille) 02/09/2002 QO 14(4):45
  36. Havre-aux-Basques 10/05/2004 QO 16(2):45
  37. Baie-Trinité 4-5/06/2004 QO 16(3):44

  38. Sept-Îles 15-20/06/2004 QO 16(3):44

  39. Grosse-Île 23-24/06/2005 QO 17(3):44
    adulte; photo publiée

  40. Montmagny 30/04-2/05/2006 QO 18(2):45
  41. La Baie 28/05-6/06/2006 QO 18(2):45
  42. St-Fulgence, La Baie 5-6/06/2006 QO 18(3):45
  43. Saint-Méthode 31/05/2007 QO 19(2):44
  44. Saint-Damien-de-Buckland 07/06/2007 QO 19(3):44
  45. Tadoussac 25/08/2007 QO 19(4):44
  46. Trois-Rivières 27/08/2007 QO 19(4):44
  47. Neuville 27/05/2008 QO 20(2):45
  48. Rimouski 31/05-3/06/2008 QO 20(2):45,QO 20(3):73
    photo publiée

  49. Port-Saint-François 06/09/2009 QO 21(4):48
  50. Cap Tourmente 20/05/2012 QO 24(2):48
    photo publiée

  51. Bergeronnes 7/07/2012 QO 24(3):49
  52. Baie-Sainte-Catherine 20/09/2012 QO 24(4):49

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) 2001 California Academy of Sciences, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),
  2. (c) 2001 California Academy of Sciences, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),
  3. (c) 2001 California Academy of Sciences, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),
  4. (c) Scott Bowers, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC),
  5. (c) Jerry Oldenettel, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),
  6. Adaptado por Roger Simard de uma obra de (c) Wikipedia, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA),
  7. Adaptado por Roger Simard de uma obra de (c) Unknown, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),
  8. (c) Roger Simard, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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