Common Bobwhite (Colin de Virginie)

Colinus virginianus

Summary 7

The Northern Bobwhite, Virginia Quail or (in its home range) Bobwhite Quail (Colinus virginianus) is a ground-dwelling bird native to the United States, Mexico, and the Caribbean. It is a member of the group of species known as New World quails (Odontophoridae). They were initially placed with the Old World quails in the pheasant family (Phasianidae), but are not particularly closely related. The name "bobwhite" derives from its characteristic whistling call. Despite its secretive nature, the...

Colinus virginianus 8

The only native quail in much of its range, the Northern Bobwhite is most easily identified by its small size (8 ½ - 10 ½ inches), mottled brown body, small black bill, and short tail. Males have a white throat, white eye-stripe, and black cheek patch, while females have a more brownish head. The Northern Bobwhite inhabits a large part of the eastern United States and extreme southern Canada. Other populations occur in Mexico and the West Indies. This species is non-migratory in all parts of its range. Northern Bobwhites inhabit a variety of open habitats, including overgrown fields, forest clearings, grasslands, and scrub. Traditionally, forest fires helped create habitat for this species by removing thicker vegetation; today, human activity has a similar impact on habitat in certain areas. Northern Bobwhites mainly eat seeds and other plant material, but insects make up a higher proportion of this species’ diet in summer. Due to its preference for semi-open habitat types, Northern Bobwhites may be most easily observed foraging for food on the ground. When startled, this species may either run away or “explode” into the air and fly a short distance to safety. Northern Bobwhites are most active during the day.

Threat Status: Near Threatened

Statut 9

Status : OC?, Ne

Date d'arrivée record:
Date de départ record:

Il est à noter que la liste des mentions ci-dessous peut inclure certaines mentions non-confirmées ou considérées comme invalides après leur publication. Cette liste est fournie à titre d'information uniquement, et elle est principalement mise à jour grâce aux mentions publiées dans la chronique saisonnière de la revue QuébecOiseaux. Certaines mentions récentes, identifiées avec la référence "web", réfèrent souvent à des mentions publiées sur la page des oiseaux rares du Québec.

Cherchez les mentions de Colin de Virginie sur la page des oiseaux rares du Québec.

No Localité Dates Référence

  1. Mont Royal 26/05-?/06/1943 Ann. Rep. 1943:16 (échappé)
    origine captive

  2. Stanbridge East 18/08/1971 Tchebec 1971(4):105
    origine captive

  3. Saint-Pie-de-Bagot 23/03/1976 BO 21:54; David (1979)
    origine captive

  4. Saint-Hyacinthe 01/03/1976 QO 3(2):25
    origine captive

  5. Mont Royal 29/04/1976 David (1979)
    origine captive

  6. Lac Beauport 15/05/1980 BO 25(2):56 (échappé)
    origine captive

  7. Laprairie 3-5/06/1980 Tchebec 1980:25
    origine captive

  8. Saint-Féréol 17/08/1982 AB 37:160
    origine captive

  9. Île aux Hérons 04/06/1905 Newsl. 27(5):5
    origine captive

  10. Montréal 01/12/1983 AB 38:297
    origine captive

  11. Île des Soeurs 1/07-16/12/1984 AB 38:1000
    origine captive

  12. Dorval 06/06/1905 Atlas SCF: 1130
    origine captive

  13. Brossard 09/06/1985 AB 39:889
    origine captive

  14. Covey Hill 19/05/1986 Newsl. 29(1):6
    origine captive

  15. Repentigny 08/06/1905 Atlas SCF: 1130
    origine captive

  16. Aylmer 01/05/1990 QO 2(2):26
    origine captive

  17. Saint-Hyacinthe 21/05/1991 QO 3(2):25
    origine captive

  18. Repentigny fin/11-début/12/1993 Newsl. 36(6):11
    origine captive

  19. Cap-Tourmente 1/12/1994-17/04/1995 BO 40(1):15, BO 40(2):51
    origine captive

  20. Saint-Hyacinthe 30/07-7/08/1995 QO 7(3):27, 7(4):26, Héron 7(4):6
    origine captive

  21. Saint-Basile-Le-Grand 04/05/1996

    origine captive

  22. Sainte-Béatrix 31/07/1996 QO 8(4):30 (2 ad., 5 jeunes)
    origine captive

  23. Hemmingford 31/05/1999 Ornitho-Qc
    mention non-confirmée

  24. Sainte-Catherine-de-Hatley 28/09/2000 QO 12(4):45
    origine captive

  25. Lotbinière 9-11/07/2000 QO 12(3):45
    origine captive

  26. Beauharnois 16/09/2000 QO 12(4):45
    origine captive

  27. Ville-Marie 17/09/2002 ornitho-qc
    origine captive

  28. Île des Soeurs 18/04/2003 QO 15(2):36
    origine captive

  29. Saint-Antoine-de-Tilly 08/08/2008 web
    origine captive

  30. Sherbrooke 06/07/2009 web
    origine captive

  31. Cantley 11/04/2011 QO 23(2):47
    origine captive

  32. Très-Saint-Rédempteur 23/05/2011 QO 23(2):47
    origine captive

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Tim from Ithaca, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY),
  2. (c) Cary Bass, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA),
  3. (c) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Headquarters, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY),
  4. (c) Brian Stansberry, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY),
  5. (c) Jerry Oldenettel, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),
  6. (c) Mike Powers, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),
  7. Adaptado por Roger Simard de uma obra de (c) Wikipedia, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA),
  8. Adaptado por Roger Simard de uma obra de (c) Unknown, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),
  9. (c) Roger Simard, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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