Guadalupe Fur Seal

Arctocephalus townsendi

Summary 2

The Guadalupe Fur Seal (Arctocephalus townsendi) is a fur seal. It is one of six members of the Arctocephalus genus. Sealers reduced the population to just a few dozen by the late 19th century, but the species had recovered to 10,000 in number by the late 1990s. Many individuals can be found on Mexico's Guadalupe Island.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) BJ Stacey, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC),
  2. (c) Wikipedia, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA),

Mais informações

BioDiversity4All Mapa

Taxonomy:family Otariidae
Color brown
Taxonomy:kingdom Animalia