Palmnut vulture

Gypohierax angolensis

Summary 2

Unusual for birds of prey, it feeds mainly on the fruit of the oil palm, though it also feeds on crabs, molluscs, locusts, and fish.
The raphia palms of the Mlalazi are a food source for these birds. Several pairs are resident in the area and breed here.

Biology 3

The palm-nut vulture is one of the very few birds-of prey that regularly eats vegetable matter (4) (7). The fleshy husks of oil palm and raffia palm fruits, along with wild dates and other fruits, make up an astonishing 58 to 65 percent of the adult diet and up to 92 percent of the juvenile's. This unusual vulture derives its remaining nutritional requirements from more conventional sources such as fish, crabs and invertebrates, through to small mammals, birds and reptiles, which it hunts or occasionally takes as carrion. Accordingly, it cannot be considered strictly frugivorous, but it is very rarely seen at the big carcases that are the staple of other African vultures (2) (7). Breeding pairs construct large stick nests high up in tall trees and will often exhibit a strong attachment to the nest site, staying within its vicinity year round. At the beginning of the breeding season, pairs soar together in an aerial display of rolling and diving, much more acrobatic than most vultures (2) (7). During each breeding cycle, a single, white and chocolate-brown egg is laid, which is incubated by both sexes, over a period of four to six weeks (2) (7) (8). Normally around 85 to 90 days after hatching, the young brown chicks will fledge (2).

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) vikram.mavalankar, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),
  2. Adaptado por Ricky Taylor de uma obra de (c) Wikipedia, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA),
  3. (c) Wildscreen, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),

Mais informações

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