Balkan Short-tailed Mouse

Mus macedonicus

Description 1

The Mus macedonicus is a small rodent (15 g). It has very different fur color based upon location. In a study of numerous specimens in Turkey, the Mus macedonicus was found to have back colors ranging from dark brown to pale light brown to dark-reddish brown. There is a distinct line of demarcation along the flanks that separates top and bottom coloration. The bottom coloration ranged from whitish grey, pure white, yellowish white, and reddish white. The ears have tiny white hairs. This rodent has a tail that is dark brown on top and lighter on bottom. The bottoms of the Mus macedonicus' feet are bare while the tops of their feet have white hairs. Mus macedonicus are nocturnal.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. (c) Wikipedia, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA),

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Region Kosovo i Metohija