strange name.. Rhododendron obtusum var. kaempferi

ヤマツツジ(Yama Tsutsuji) means Mountain Azalea.
キリシマツツジ(Kirishima Tsutsuji) means Kirishima Azalea.
Kirishima is a place in Kagoshima prefecture. Kirishima Tsutsuji is a one of the Yama Tsutsuji in Kirishima area.

Wild specie Yama Tsutsuji is Rhododendron obtusum var. kaempferi.
Selection wild specie Kirishima Tsutsuji is Rhododendron obtusum.
Kirishima Tsutsuji(Rhododendron obtusum) is a variety of Yama Tsutsuji(Rhododendron obtusum var. kaempferi).. ??

Kurume Azalea is garden azalea. Kurume is a place in Fukuoka prefecture.
Kurume Azalea had breed improvement in hundreds years, some webpage says it supposed hybrid of Yama Tsutsuji and Sata Tsutsuji .
So I checked Sata Tsutsuji. I found Sata Tsutsuji is Rhododendron obtusum var. kaempferi... ??

all mixed up...

Posted on 17 de março de 2015, 03:44 PM by harumkoh harumkoh


Fish and plants in Japan have a long history of being loved by the Japanese and have changed a lot over time due to selective breeding. I think there is still a lot of work left to sort some of these things out or make the research done in Japan known to the outside world.

Publicado por sudachi mais de 9 anos antes

I agree with it. :)
And I noticed some my misunderstanding. It's like Yorkshire Terrier / Scottish Terrier, all domestic dogs(Canis familiaris).
I think "don't need varieties" in this case.
All "Yama Tsutsuji" and "Kirishima Tsutsuji" and "Sato Tsutsuji" is Rhododendron obtusum. :)

Publicado por harumkoh mais de 9 anos antes

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