Recommended UV flashlight?

@aniedes asked me what light I was using for, and I don't know, b/c it was @chyroptera's light! What kind of light were you using, Andrea?

I suspect @damontighe and @tiwane can also recommend good UV flashlights.

Posted on 11 de outubro de 2022, 11:33 PM by kueda kueda


Hi @kueda -It was a UVBeast Mini 365nm UV Flashlight!
uvBeast V3 365nm MINI Filtered - Black Light UV Flashlight - USB-C - Professional Grade
The important thing is that it's 365nm, which has less purple visible light than most generic UV lights which are usually 395nm and more purple. The brand doesn't matter as much, although I do recommend this particular mini-UV light which I've had for a while--it's held up well and I'm unwittingly hard on my outdoor gear. Battery seems to last well too.

Publicado por chyroptera quase 2 anos antes

I use the same light as @chyroptera. I've only had it a few months but I like it quite a bit. Used it for this photo and you can see it in this photo. It attracted a moth!

Publicado por tiwane quase 2 anos antes

Thank you!! Ill go check it out! Bout time i get an actually nice UV light!

Publicado por aniedes quase 2 anos antes

It arrived a couple weeks ago and i love it!! thanks for the recommendation! so far ive just used it on captive inverts but i plan to take it tidepooling this week!

Publicado por aniedes quase 2 anos antes

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