Dave 'Muskrat' Muska

Entrou: 04 de dez. de 2019 Última vez ativo: 13 de set. de 2024 iNaturalist

Dave 'Muskrat' Muska is a naturalist and educator with the North Branch Nature Center as well as the founder of Ondatra Adventures, a business devoted to providing meaningful connections to the natural world through guided excursions, naturalist study, and wilderness living skills. Dave studied Environmental Biology at the College of Environmental Science and Forestry in Syracuse, NY where he focused much of his efforts & attention on Mycology/Mycorrhizal Ecology. He is a wildlife tracker, guide, musician, wildcrafter, and forager of wild foods including wild mushrooms for both food & medicine. Dave offers courses and apprenticeships in Fungal Ecology, Mushroom Identification, Wildlife Tracking and more throughout the Northeastern US. He has studied with many talented individuals and professionals in the fields of his expertise and following his curiosity and passions continues to learn, believing that a true educator must also be a student. Dave believes that developing a personal relationship with the natural world is a fundamental component of a healthy life and a global community.


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