Platanthera clavellata in Boreas

Hi All,

I was out on Boreas Ponds yesterday. There are several "floating" sphagnous mats with bog species growing on them throughout the three ponds. I found P. clavellata growing on them, but I was there working and was not able to do any kind of real survey assessment of the population(s) there.

I wanted to let you all know in case someone can and is willing to go back there and get more detailed data about the population(s).

There's also a ton of Sarracenia purpurea and Drosera. It's a cool place to check out. Although, at the moment one would have to haul in a kayak from the parking area, which is not close to the ponds.


~ Tierney

Posted on 19 de julho de 2017, 02:56 PM by trose3 trose3


Dan Spada said he found numerous flowering P. clavellata floating on logs in boggy areas in Black Pond, Paul Smiths last week. FYI.

Publicado por rcurran cerca de 7 anos antes

hey - I tried to do a journal post too but couldn't. must be only something you can do as an admin... can you see if there is a way to change that? that way more people might post to help us better keep in touch...???

Publicado por emilydebolt quase 7 anos antes


If you click "more journal posts" at the bottom of the journal post on the main project page it should take to the journal page where there is a "new post" button.


~ Tierney

Publicado por trose3 cerca de 6 anos antes

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