

Endemic plants on the Cape Peninsula

I started a traditional project for our U3A Fynbos Rambles. Only 3 of us are active iNatters.

Stats sorted by the month observed as we work back adding our obs. We are over 500 species already.

For a fresh challenge I found a list of our endemic flora - 158 species.

Article by @botaneek (I don't recognise the second author from iNat?)
The endemic flora of the Cape Peninsula, South Africa - N.A. Helme, T.H. Trinder-Smith - South African Journal of Botany - 2006.

Since our moderately fit ...mais ↓

Posted on 13 de agosto de 2024, 04:13 PM by dianastuder dianastuder | 7 comentários | Deixar um comentário

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We are a U3A group. Hiking on the Cape Peninsula (Cape Town, South Africa). We botanise slowly, from flower to flower. We look for interesting plants along the way. Pollinators and birds. Biodiversity across the web of life - from eland, baboons and zebras down to dinkophyte worts and too many legs.

Icon is Audouinia capitata. Banner from that same day at Cape Point.

dianastuder criou este projecto em 20 de julho de 2024
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