
Animalia Chordata Amphibia Anura Dendrobatidae Ranitomeya Ranitomeya flavovittata

Taxonomic notes: Previous taxonomic uncertainties regarding this species have now been resolved and its taxonomic status appears to be valid (Brown et al. 2011).


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Geographic Range

This species has been documented from six localities, most of which are in the Tamshiyacu–Tahuayo Communal Reserve of northeastern Peru, except for two records: one from Río Yavari and another further south from nearby Genaro Herrera (Brown et al. 2011). Areas south of Río Yavari remain under-studied (Brown et al. 2011), so there is a possibility that this species may occur here as well as in neighbouring Brazil. The elevational range of the area is likely not much higher than 500 m asl. Its range, taken as a proxy for extent of occurrence (EOO), is estimated at 11,212 km2.


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It occurs in old-growth and secondary tropical forest. This species appears to have similar life-history traits as other members of the Ranitomeya vanzolinii group. Adults (presumably males) have been observed carrying single tadpoles in the vicinity of Guzmania bromeliads (Brown et al. 2011). Males have been heard calling regularly throughout the day and eggs are found in bromeliads (Brown et al. 2011).


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This species appears to be locally abundant at the localities where it has been observed (Brown et al. 2011). Twenty individuals were recorded during 6 person/day surveys over 2006 and 2007 (von May et al. 2008).


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Use Trade

There are reports of illegal collecting for the pet trade (von May et al. 2008).


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There is some deforestation due to subsistence agriculture, logging and wood harvesting (ParksWatch 2004), as well as collecting for the illegal pet trade (von May et al. 2008). However, the species may be able to tolerate some level of human disturbance (Brown et al. 2011).


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Conservation Actions

This species occurs in the Reserva Comunal Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo. Research is needed into the extent of its distribution, ecology, population and how trade may affect this species.


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Red List Rationale

Listed as Least Concern in view of its relative local abundance, tolerance to human disturbance and potentially more widespread occurrence in the Amazonian forest of northeastern Peru.


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  • Brown, J. L., Twomey, E., Amezquita, A., de Souza, M. B., Caldwell, J. P., Lotters, S., von May, R., Melo-Sampaio, P. R., Mejia-Vargas, D., Perez-Pena, P., Pepper, M., Poelman, E. H., Sanchez-Rodriguez, M., and Summers, K. 2011. A taxonomic revision of the Neotropical poison frog genus Ranitomeya (Amphibia: Dendrobatidae). Zootaxa 3083: 1-120.
  • ParksWatch. 2004. Evaluación socioambiental de la zona del Yavarí – Yavarí-Mirín y Tamshiyacu - Tahuayo.
  • Schulte, R. 1999. Pfeilgiftfrosche. Arteneil Peru (species account). INBICO, Wailblingen, Germany.


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