
Animalia Chordata Amphibia Gymnophiona Caeciliidae Siphonops Siphonops annulatus

Taxonomic notes: This is a poorly circumscribed species in need of taxonomic review (M. Wilkinson pers. comm.). It is unclear that all populations within its large range are conspecific.


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Geographic Range

This species is widely distributed through tropical South America east of the Andes from northern Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Suriname, Venezuela (Barinas and Portuguesa states) and the Guianas, south through most of Brazil to Paraguay and northern Argentina. In Argentina, this species is found in the southern part of Misiones. In Bolivia, it is found in Beni, La Paz, Pando and Santa Cruz. It is generally found below 800 m asl.


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It appears to be common in some parts of its range. Surveys in the region of San Martín, Peru found just two individuals after 90 and >100 person/days in 2006 and 2008 respectively (von May et al. 2008).


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It is a subterranean species and can be found in humid soils in forested and open environments (including dry Caatinga savannah). It also occurs in rural gardens, plantations and other anthropogenic habitats. Reproduction is probably on the ground with parental care. It is oviparous with terrestrial eggs and direct development, and not dependent on water for breeding.


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Use Trade

There are no reports of this species being utilized.


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There appear to be no major known threats to this species.


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Conservation Actions

It occurs in many protected areas. Further research is required into the taxonomy of this species.


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Red List Rationale

Listed as Least Concern in view of its wide distribution, tolerance of a broad range of habitats and presumed large population.


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  • Almendariz, A. 1987. Contribución al conocimento de la herpetofauna centroriental Ecuatoriana. Revista de Información Técnico Cientifíca, Politécnica: 77-133.
  • Barrio Amorós, C.L. 2004. Amphibians of Venezuela Systematic List, Distribution and References, An Update. Review of Ecology in Latin America: 1-48.
  • De la Riva, I., Köhler, J., Lötters, S. and Reichle, S. 2000. Ten years of research on Bolivian amphibians: updated checklist, distribution, taxonomic problems, literature and iconography. Revista Espanola de Herpetologia: 19-164.
  • Gower, D.J. and Wilkinson, M. 2005. Conservation biology of caecilian amphibians. Conservation Biology 19(1): 45-55.
  • La Marca, E. 1997. Lista actualizada de los anfibios de Venezuela. In: La Marca, E. (ed.), Vertebrados Actuales y Fosiles de Venezuela, pp. 103-120. Museo de Ciencias y Tecnología de Mérida, Mérida.
  • Lavilla, E.O., Ponssa, M.L., Baldo, D., Basso, N., Bosso, A., Céspedez, J., Chebez, J.C., Faivovich, J., Ferrari, L., Lajmanovich, R., Langone, J.A., Peltzer, P., Úbeda, C., Vaira, M. and Vera Candioti, F. 2000. Categorización de los Anfibios de Argentina. Categorización de los Anfibios y Reptiles de la República Argentina: 11-34.
  • Lescure, J. and Marty, C. 2000. Atlas des Amphibiens de Guyane. Patrimoines Naturels, Paris.
  • Lynch, J.D. 1999. Una aproximación a las culebras ciegas de Colombia (Amphibia: Gymnophiona). Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales: 317-337.
  • Lynch, J.D. 2006. The amphibian fauna in the Villavicencio region of Eastern Colombia. Caldasia 28(1): 135-155.
  • Nussbaum, R.A. and Hoogmoed, M.S. 1979. Surinam caecilians, with notes on Rhinatrema bivittatum and the description of a new species of Microcaecilia (Amphibia, Gymnophiona). Zoologische Mededelingen: 217-235.
  • Ruiz-Carranza, P.M., Ardila-Robayo, M.C. and Lynch, J.D. 1996. Lista actualizada de la fauna de Amphibia de Colombia. Revista de la Academia Colombiana de Ciencias Exactas, Físicas y Naturales 20(77): 365-415.
  • Taylor, E.H. 1968. The Caecilians of the World. A Taxonomic Review. University of Kansas Press, Lawrence, Kansas.
  • von May, R., Catenazzi, A., Angulo, A., Brown, J.L., Carrillo, J., Chávez, G., Córdova, J.H., Curo, A., Delgado, A., Enciso, M.A., Guttiérez, R., Lehr, E., Martínez, J.L., Martina-Müller, M., Miranda, A., Neira, D.R., Ochoa, J.A., Quiroz, A.J., Rodríguez, D.A., Rodríguez, L.O., Salas, A.W., Seimon, T., Seimon, A., Siu-Ting, K., Suárez, J., Torres, C. and Twomey, E. 2008. Current state of conservation knowledge on threatened amphibian species in Peru. Tropical Conservation Science 1(4): 376-396.


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