
Animalia Chordata Vertebrata Amphibia Anura Microhylidae Kaloula Kaloula conjuncta

Taxonomic notes: The systematics of the various populations need to be evaluated. There are four subspecies which will probably be described as distinct species in the near future (A. Diesmos pers. comm.).


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Geographic Range

This species is widespread in the Philippines. It is found on the central islands of Negros, Panay, Guimaras and Cebu, in many parts of Luzon including the adjacent smaller islands of Polillo and Marinduque, on Mindanao Island, Leyte Island, and the islands of Patnanungan, Jomalig, Catanduanes, Tablas, Romblon and Sibuyan. A record from Mindoro is presently attributed to this taxon. It probably occurs more widely than current records suggest, especially in areas between known sites.


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It is usually found in secondary growth vegetation and man-made habitats, but it also inhabits lowland and lower montane rainforests.


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It is an abundant and common species especially during the wet season.


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Use Trade

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The most important threat to this species is the pollution of streams and rivers especially from agricultural run-off.


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Specific Threats

  • 2.1.2 Small-holder farming
  • 2.1.1 Shifting agriculture
  • 9.3.4 Type Unknown/Unrecorded
  • 9.3.2 Soil erosion, sedimentation
  • 3.2 Mining & quarrying


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Conservation Actions

No conservation measures are needed at present for this species. The range of the species includes a few protected areas. Clarification of the taxonomy of this species is required.


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Specific Actions


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    Red List Rationale

    Listed as Least Concern in view of its relatively wide distribution, tolerance of a broad range of habitats, presumed large population, and because it is unlikely to be declining fast enough to qualify for listing in a more threatened category.


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    • Alcala, A.C. and Brown, W.C. 1985. Philippine Amphibians: An Illustrated Field Guide. Bookmark Press, Makati City, Philippines.
    • Crombie, R.A. n.d.. Updated list of currently recognized species of Amphibians and Reptiles found in the Philippines with distributional summary and Philippine bibliography. Unpublished manuscript.
    • Diesmos, A.C., Brown, R.M. and Alcala, A.C. 2002. A new species of narrow-mouthed frog (Amphibia: Anura: Microhylidae; Genus Kaloula) from the mountains of southern Luzon and Polillo Islands, Philippines. Copeia: 1037-1051.
    • Inger, R.F. 1954. The systematics and zoogeography of Philippine Amphibia. Fieldiana 33: 181-531.
    • Inger, R.F. 1999. Distributions of amphibians in southern Asia and adjacent islands. In: W.E. Duellman (ed.), Patterns of Distribution of Amphibians: A Global Perspective, pp. 445-482. John Hopkins University Press.
    • Parker, H.W. 1934. A Monograph of the Frogs of the Family Microhylidae. Trustees of the British Museum London..


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