Tabanocella (Tabanocella) zoulouensis Ricardo, 1914

This species is distinguished by the black markings on the first four abdominal segments forming four broken and irregular stripes.
Antennae red with long upper branch of third joint.
Thorax dull yellowish with three mahogany-coloured stripes, some grey tomentum on dorsum and scattered short yellowish pubescence. Scutellum mahogany coloured, with a paler border.
Abdomen and legs yellowish.
Wings brown at base with a brown band across wing.
Length 15 mm.

Abdominal pattern illustrated in Usher 1965:
Usher, P.J. 1965. Records and descriptions of Tabaindae from southern Africa (Diptera). Annals of the Natal Museum 18.

Original description by Ricardo:

Fairly widespread, from Natal (Town Bush Valley), Eswatini, many localities in Zululand, and Zimbabwe (Mt. Selinda).

iNat observation:

Posted on 10 de julho de 2023, 06:34 PM by traianbertau traianbertau


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