Haematopota decora Walker, 1856 - Identification

Original description by Walker:
Blackish brown. Head whitish on the vertex and behind, white beneath; front with three black whitish-bordered spots, the middle one small and hindward. Palpi while. Antennae black, rather longer than the head. Thorax with three much interrupted white stripes; the middle one dilated hindward. Scutellumm with a dark border. Abdomen glaucous-white towards the base beneath and on each side above and on the hind borders of the segments. Legs black; tibiae white towards the base; middle tibiae with a white band; hind tarsi white at the base. Wings whitish, with various blackish gray dots, and with two diffuse blackish gray partly whitish-dotted bands; stigma black. Halteres white.

Description by Loew (Haematopota dorsalis):
--> Abdomen with sublateral white spots on the apical segments (not mentioned by Walker).

Illustrated in Austen 1908:

Photo of wing in Ricardo 1906:
Ricardo, G. (1906). Notes on the genus Hæmatopota of the family Tabanidæ in the British Museum collection. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 18(104), 94–127. doi:10.1080/00222930608562585

Photos in Smit 2019:

This species is widespread in the Afrotropical region.

iNat observation:

Posted on 19 de agosto de 2023, 07:54 AM by traianbertau traianbertau


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