Coastal Plains Leopard Frog

Lithobates sphenocephalus utricularius

Summary 5

The name "Lithobates sphenocephalus"comes from the Greek word Lithobates, Litho means "A stone", bates means "One that walks or haunts". Sphenocephalus is Greek meaning "wedge headed". The average length of this species is 2-3.5 inches. he dorsal coloration is brown, green or some combination.

Physical Description 6

There are a variable number of longitudinally elongated dorsal spots which may be entirely absent. The side of the body has only a few dark spots. Males are generally smaller, have paired vocal sacs, and enlarged forearms and thumbs. Male vocal sacs are spherical when inflated. The southern leopard frog's sound resembles a short, chuckle-like, guttural trill. t has prominent ridges running along each side, long hind legs, a pointed head and a plain white belly. The southern leopard frog may be distinguished by more rounded and more randomly placed spots, a small white dot in the center of the tympanum (external eardrum), and lack of yellow or orange on the concealed surfaces of the hind legs.

Reproduction 6

In regards to breeding, this species breeds in winter or early spring, occasionally in the fall. Males are difficult to approach when calling.
Once the eggs are release from the female, several hundred eggs are attached to vegetation that is submerged immediately beneath the water surface. Metamorphosis occurs in about 3 months when the tadpole reaches 65-70 mm. During development, larger tadpoles outcompete smaller individuals for food. Tadpoles usually take 12 weeks or more to transform and may be found at any time of year. The tadpoles are variable but can often be distinguished from those of bullfrogs, green frogs and carpenter frogs in part by their translucent bellies, through which the intestinal coil is usually visible.

Habitat 6

The leopard frog is found in all types of freshwater habitats and even enters slightly brackish coastal marshes. Insects are their primary prey item though they also feed on other arthropods and worms. Tadpoles feed on algae and other organic material. Leopard frogs are abundant throughout most of the Coastal Plain and portions of the Piedmont. In parts of the Coastal Plain, they may be the most common frogs found. Eggs are deposited in large, slightly flattened masses, often in very shallow water. Many egg masses may be deposited in a small area.

Fontes e Créditos

  1. Sem direitos reservados, uploaded by TaelorJones
  2. (c) Jerry Oldenettel, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),
  3. (c) Dendroica cerulea, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),
  4. (c) Jerry Oldenettel, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA),
  5. (c) TaelorJones, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)
  6. Adaptado por colbyb de uma obra de (c) TaelorJones, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)

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