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Azedinhas (Rumex acetosella)




Novembro 28, 2023 10:12 AM -03


I found this plant along the boardwalk of Isla de los Muertos outside of Tortel. This is a temperate rainforest environment next to the fjords in the Rio Baker delta at the base of some tall mountains. The soil likely has some salinity due to the proximity of the ocean. The common species in this area were canela, coigue, nirre, and lots of lichens. The climate was humid and the soil appeared to be saturated. There were some trees in this forest that were likely over 20m tall. This plant was about 15cm tall, and there was a patch of these plants in this location, but I did not see other patches on the island. I hypothesize that this plant is a generalist because we have seen it in lots of different environments

Azedinhas - Photo (c) Agnieszka Kwiecień, Nova, alguns direitos reservados (CC BY-SA)
Identificação de ksiasu: Azedinhas (Rumex acetosella)
Adicionado em 28 de novembro de 2023

Fotos / Sons




Outubro 5, 2023 02:35 PM -03


Liolaemus chacabuquensis. Seen on a south-facing slope under a nineo which it was using for cover from the wind and sun. Approximately 10-12cm long, black-and-white stripes perpendicular to his/her spine, and very quick.

Liolaemus chacabucoense - Photo (c) Diana Bertuol Garcia, todos os direitos reservados, uploaded by Diana Bertuol Garcia
Identificação de ksiasu: Liolaemus chacabucoense, um membro de Dragões-Sul-Americanos (Família Liolaemidae)
Adicionado em 28 de novembro de 2023
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