Arquivos de periódicos de março 2019

17 de março de 2019

University flora

I decided to take walk in the campus of Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune, India. It is getting hotter day by day so I decided to start by 7AM. The sky was clear, no wind.
Although these days temperature is rising fast (it was already 23C when I started), there are pleasant flowers around to sooth the nerves! Monkey Pod (Rain Tree), Jacaranda, Red Silk Cotton and various others are blooming.
I walked and documented the trees mainly in the vicinity of Main Building of the University. There are several large trees surrounding the university Main building, likely to have planted by British before Independence (AD1947). There are some exotic trees like Divi-Divi (Caesalpinia coriaria) and some cassias which are very likely to have been introduced. There are few others that I'll try to document in forthcoming visits.

Posted on 17 de março de 2019, 05:08 AM by bspujari bspujari | 18 observações | 0 comentários | Deixar um comentário
