City Nature Challenge 2019 is just around the corner!

Hi everyone!

We're coming up on that time of year again, everyone's favorite international urban biodiversity competition, the City Nature Challenge!

This year the challenge runs April 26-29, starting at midnight on the 26th and ending at 11:59:59 on the 29th. All observations must be made in that window - any observations made in the 9 Bay Area counties will count and will automatically be added to this project. We then have a week to get everything uploaded and to identify as many observations as possible - whatever our numbers say on May 6 at 9:00am will be our final results!

Last year we swept the CNC by taking first in observations, species, and observers. Can we hold onto our title this year? The competition is fierce - last year 68 cities around the world participated, this year we have over 150 cities taking on the challenge!

We're working with an amazing group of Bay Area organizations to put together a suite of events that people can join over the four days of the challenge, plus an ID party or two before May 6. If you're interested in hosting an event, please send me (@kestrel) a message here on iNat! We'll post the list events on this page once it's finalized.

We'll post more updates over the next couple months - join this project to get notified when we add a new post!

And remember: no matter what, we always want to beat LA!

-Alison (@kestrel) & Rebecca (@rebeccafay)

Posted on 19 de fevereiro de 2019, 05:36 PM by kestrel kestrel


What exactly are the boundaries going to be? I'm planning to be at Henry Coe State Park BackCountry Weekend again, so exact boundaries are going to matter a lot.

Publicado por dsacer mais de 5 anos antes

@dsacer - The boundaries are the county boundaries, which I know cuts across Henry Coe, but there were some great observations there last year!

Publicado por kestrel mais de 5 anos antes

@kestrel are you planning to use the same boundary approximation as was used last time, or one which more closely follows the legal county boundaries?

Publicado por dsacer mais de 5 anos antes

Off to Mazatlan w/ @tiwane to cover Paco’s Reserve 1st year entry into the Challenge. Glorious iNaturalista folks @pacof @d_b y @francisco3_tutor hope to have you all meet them up here someday. Will miss all my four-day, marathon buddies in Bay Area

Publicado por robberfly mais de 5 anos antes

@dsacer Yes, following the legal county boundaries.

Publicado por kestrel mais de 5 anos antes

It would be amazing to participate with you folks in the San Francisco Bay Area someday :D in the meanwhile it will be amazing to have @robberfly and @tiwane with us in Mazatlan this year

Publicado por d_b mais de 5 anos antes

@dsacer, are you a docent at Henry Coe? I know the docents there would like to organize a BioBlitz that weekend and would love to get some help. I can make the connection if needed

Publicado por merav mais de 5 anos antes

@merav Oooh, a Henry Coe bioblitz that weekend would be amazing! Keep us in the loop so we can make sure we get it on our list of events if it's going to happen!

Publicado por kestrel mais de 5 anos antes

@merav I'm not a docent. I'm planning to be there with kids again, so like last time, I'm going to be doing a kid-oriented outing, with some documentation of flora and fauna, rather than treat observations as my primary goal.

Publicado por dsacer mais de 5 anos antes

@merav I'll also be at Henry Coe that weekend, not a docent, and really hope that the two events don't keep overlapping! Since they do again, I will undoubtedly hike fewer miles in exchange for recording more observations, and it would be great to talk with the docents about a BioBlitz. So please put me in touch - thanks!

Publicado por newtpatrol mais de 5 anos antes

I'll check with my docent friend what the plan is an let you know - I'll try to be there too, after my BioBlitz on Sunday

Publicado por merav mais de 5 anos antes

@mhundt - please join the discussion - a BioBlitz at Henry Coe on the CNC weekend would be great! Do you need help/ would like to coordinate your event with people here?

Publicado por merav mais de 5 anos antes

@kestrel You bet I'll be participating! No way can L.A. win. ;)

Publicado por ocean_beach_goth mais de 5 anos antes

Woohoo, exciting! And... so soon, agh! So little time to select and buy new a external storage device, finish uploading all the photos already on my computer, make space on the computer by removing photos to the new external storage, move photos from the camera onto the computer, upload those and then put them in external storage, all to make space for many many new photos. Yikes!!! Oh, the stress of it all, haha. (And if I'm very very lucky a new camera to get used to!)

Publicado por julie_sf mais de 5 anos antes

Hi all,

Just in case you haven't joined the SF Bay CNC 2019 project so didn't get the notification, we've posted a list of events (still being added to!) as a "news" journal entry happening during the CNC. Please join in if you'd like!


Publicado por kestrel mais de 5 anos antes

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