[OhioDragonfly] Call for images for new field guide & regular photo observation deadline Dec 1st

Hi Everyone,

Things were already slowing down in September, but this cold front (and possible frost this weekend) might really knock down what we see. Note that things will still fly after the frost, but at much lower numbers. We have had reports of Autumn Meadowhawks and Great Spreadwings late into the season, so there are still photo opportunities available.

Otherwise, please try to get your photo records (and physical specimens) in by December 1st. If you haven't done so already and are running into difficulty, let me know and I can try to help.

Photo record deadline - December 1st:
Please have all observations uploaded to iNaturalist by December 1st so we have time to process them. This also allows us to include that data in this years reports and upcoming maps. If you are having trouble uploading photo records, or need help in any way, feel free to email MaLisa at spring.99@osu.edu

Photo selection for the upcoming Ohio Field Guide:
We are creating an All Ohio Field Guide to Dragonflies and Damselflies. This is meant to be an easy to use field guide for anyone looking to learn about Ohio Odonata. We are in the process of writing the bulk of the book, but we want our volunteers to have a chance to potentially have their images selected for the publication.

If you are interested in potentially having your images selected for inclusion in the book, please fill out our Photo Use Permission Letter and either email or send via snail mail to MaLisa. You can find the form here: https://u.osu.edu/ohioodonatasurvey/files/2019/10/PhotoPermission.pdf

For additional information, see the blog post here: https://u.osu.edu/ohioodonatasurvey/2019/10/09/upcoming-book-photo-request/

Upcoming events:
Oct 17, 7 PM Dashers, Darners & Dancers. Join the Toledo Naturalists Association as Rick Nirschl talks about cool dragonflies and damselflies. This will be at Ward Pavilion at Wildwood Preserve in Toledo. https://www.facebook.com/events/1259532297558167/
Oct 30th 9AM-4PM One Day Insect University. Join entomology enthusiasts for a daylong exploration of the world of insects at the 4-H Center in Columbus. Registration is required and the fee of $35 includes morning refreshments, lunch, and tour. There are about 20 spaces left. MaLisa will be talking about the dragonfly survey in the second afternoon session. Register here: https://u.osu.edu/certify/one-day-insect-university/

That is all for now. Let me know if you have any questions or need assistance uploading photo records.

Best wishes,
MaLisa Spring

Posted on 09 de outubro de 2019, 08:52 PM by malisaspring malisaspring


Looks like the seminar is closed?

Publicado por lisaclairemiller cerca de 5 anos antes

The one day insect university? I don't see where it says it is closed. Did you try to register and it wouldn't let you?

Publicado por malisaspring cerca de 5 anos antes

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