Observation of the Day

How adorable is this Rock Squirrel (Otospermophilus variegatus)? True to their name, these ground squirrels prefer a rocky habitat. Rock squirrels rarely will climb a tree, and make burrows instead of nests (unlike their friends, the tree squirrels).

The Willow Bend Nature Challenge is a fun June virtual challenge through iNaturalist, a free observation platform that can be used on your smart phone or computer. It acts as a place for people to record observations, learn how to identify organisms and interact with other enthusiasts and experts. Observations from iNaturalist also contribute to biodiversity science. Anyone can freely access and use this information. Join our challenge: https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/willow-bend-nature-challenge

Posted on 18 de junho de 2020, 07:09 PM by willowbendsciencesaturday willowbendsciencesaturday


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