BINGO Observation Challenge

Birds are singing, flowers are blooming, and insects can be found just about everywhere. Spring is a great time to get outside at Runge and explore nature. Come visit us at the nature center and see what is happening. Borrow a net to scoop and explore critters from one of our ponds, ask about using a set of binoculars to view birds at the feeders, and check out our new iNaturalist BINGO Observation Challenge. Challenges can be found at the front desk of the nature center. After completing the challenge using the iNaturalist app or website, and adding your observations to the "Runge Biodiversity Project," stop at the front desk to receive a free field guide and bug clutch. Explore! Observe! Have fun!

Posted on 13 de maio de 2021, 05:13 PM by amlambert11 amlambert11


And masks are no longer required outside.

Publicado por kenrunge mais de 3 anos antes

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