June Update

Happy June on this rainy day - giving me a chance to catch up on things.

We're off and running on Dragonfly Survey numbers now. From our iNat usage stats, May 2021 had 2,014 new observations from 257 unique observers. Only 2019 has a higher month for May observation count. We're considerably ahead of 2020.

June is the best time to get out to your favorite wetlands. We have more species recorded in June than any month - with species diversity peaking mid-month.

On the year (as of right now 2PM Jun2) we have recorded 84 species with confirmed IDs. This is basically half of our Ohio species.

For the second year in a row, Fragile Forktail leads the early season. This is a change from the past - it's typically been Eastern Forktail. I'm not sure if we're just seeing more Fragiles or if there is a transition underway. But those are the numbers - almost 100 more Fragile observations (333) than Eastern (237). Blue Dasher and Eastern Pondhawk will soon take the lead as their numbers pick up - and they are pretty ubiquitous.

Stay Safe - Good Luck!

Posted on 02 de junho de 2021, 06:04 PM by jimlem jimlem


Thank you for the update and all of your assistance with my klunky identifications.

Publicado por johnlandon mais de 3 anos antes

Thanks for update. Great to see your data reporting!

Publicado por nnavarre mais de 3 anos antes

Nice to see the big picture!

Publicado por sallypsandpiper mais de 3 anos antes

Appalachian Jewelwing: I was at the Chippewa Nature Preserve on Galehouse Rd (historic mill park) this morning, and the Ebony Jewelwings are finally starting to show up in larger numbers. I was walking in the river at the end of the trails, when a Jewelwing flew up from a perch in the river and landed on my on my camera strap just inches from my face; but it was clearly not an Ebony Jewelwing. I was hoping that it might leave for another perch where I could take pictures; but it just sat there. It was a bright iridescent metallic lime green from end to end. The eyes were brown, and the wings were clear, without markings; also with a slight green iridescence. I was trying to figure out how I might be able to get a picture, and sometimes damselflies and dragonflies will light on me, and if I slowly move my finger close to them, they might step onto my finger. This one unfortunately flew across the river into the trees. I'm just sick that I didn't get a picture; but the appearance was unmistakable. I waited another half an hour or so in the same area looking for others, or for that one to return; but with no luck.

Publicado por mkgilger mais de 3 anos antes

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