'baby bride' bioblitz - Assegaaiboskloof, upper Berg River - 3 October 2021

Finally! After a year of planning, the moment has arrived :-) ... we will be going out there into Assegaaiboskloof on Sunday, with CapeNature's permission and blessing. The kind, inspirational and so knowledgable Fynbos specialist, dr Tony Rebelo will be leading this 1st of many Blushing Bride Bioblitz's. Thank you Tony!

This year's Bioblitz will be a 'baby bride' Bioblitz as the valley totally burnt down in Feb 2021, but new fynbos is sprouting and resprouting everywhere. It is our perfect opportunity to start mapping out the regeneration of Fynbos in the valley and continue build up data in the years to come.

I am overwhelmed and actually totally gobsmacked by the response... 30 - THIRTY! - Fynbos enthusiasts (mostly citizen scientists, but including several specialists) have signed up for Sunday's excursion, even though weather will be quite cold. Thank you to each one!

So... if you are keen to join, although the group is already quite big, my arm is also quite rubbery.. just let me know, then we can see how to make a plan... mayhaps.. ..

... I am also thinking to start a 'Friends of the Bride' group to continue arranging bioblitzes and hacks and restoring paths, educational things etc.. in the valley. We will need all kinds of skills.. fundraising, website building, marketing, restoration ecology, etc.... do let me know if you are interested and keen to help set it up.


Posted on 30 de setembro de 2021, 05:39 PM by dryfveer dryfveer


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