Beach Walking - stage 5

A short walk from the Waikanae River to the beach end of Te Moana Road, Waikanae.

The predominant seashells on the foreshore (at the hightide and low tide marks) were the Triangle Shell, Tuatua, and Ringed Dosinia. A few Green-lipped Mussels and very few whelks.

Three dead fish (washup) - 1 Australasian Snapper (head only), 1 John Dory, and one unidentifiable partial skeleton.

A large colony of White-fronted Terns near the river mouth. A few Caspian Terns. Several variable Oystercatchers feeding at low tide along the foreshore.

Posted on 26 de abril de 2022, 05:40 AM by dougalm dougalm


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